Pleased to announce that today is the release date for my new novella — SHILOH!
Shiloh is now available in a brand-new trade edition — paperback and e-book — from Lovecraft eZine Press…
What a week!
I was blessed to get married this past weekend to my girlfriend of thirteen years and spend an amazing weekend with family from all over the country, my son and great friends. I’ve just returned from a short honeymoon and can properly address some good news on the publishing side, as well…
I got one of those Facebook reminder things this morning, and it sort of stunned me.
It reminded me that my debut collection, BEHOLD THE VOID, was released just over one year ago today (March 10, to be exact).
And as writers tend to do, I got sentimental. I thought of all the cool things that have happened to me as a writer, and also to that book and the stories within, since then…
Man, this is exciting. I’ve been waiting for this baby to hit for a while now. Congrats to Aaron J. French, and best wishes and hopes that DD’s hiatus is temporary and brief.
This issue contains my story ATEUCHUS, which is pulpy alien fun with some pretty horrifying twists. I hope you buy the issue and enjoy the story…
Cover Reveal for my upcoming novelette OVERNIGHT.
Unnerving Press will be releasing this story as a limited edition (60 copies) signed hardcover and ebook on July 16…
A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be asked to come on the THIS IS HORROR podcast, one of the premier horror podcasts and editorial websites in the world.
What was supposed to be a 2-hour interview became an epic 4+ hour dialogue about how I started writing, my biggest fears and inspirations, screenplay work and story structure, what I have coming up next, and much, much more…